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5 Considerations in Using Flag Signs versus Corner Signs

Flag signs and corner signs both serve the wayfinding space extremely well.  It should be noted that both types of office signs can support wayfinding on both corner and hallway applications however, flag signs tend to be the sign frame of choice on hallways and corridors while corner signs are preferred on intersecting walls. So what are some of the considerations that come into play using one versus the other?  Our top 5 would be as follows:

  1. Aesthetics
  2. Height Limitations
  3. Cost
  4. Vandal Resistance
  5. Installation

Aesthetics – Some people simply prefer the cleaner, lower-profile look that the corner signs exhibit versus the higher profile, projecting look of the flag signs.  It’s clearly a personal preference but because they are modular it’s very common to use them in conjunction with one another.

Height Limitations – Buildings with drop ceilings or older buildings in general may provide vertical challenges when it comes to choosing the right sign frame.  On intersecting walls, the corner frames are the safer bet over the projecting frames as they lie flush against the wall.  On hallways, choose a smaller frame such as the FSF1U or landscape-oriented projecting sign frame to minimize vertical interference.

Cost – The cost of both types of office signs vary based on size.  Choose the proper size frame based on the line of sight.  For example, for most interior office space you’re safe with any size sign because you’ll be able to see it clearly within 50 feet or so.  For exterior applications where the sign needs to be visible at a distance, please consult a letter visibility chart to determine the size of sign you’ll need.  The minimum letter height required for a sign viewed at 100 feet is 4″ for example, so your content should drive the size of sign frame needed at that distance.  Both types of frames accommodate paper inserts so it’s inexpensive if you go the paper route to sign your building.

Vandal Resistance – Interior office signs are rarely vandalized compared to those installed outside.  Since wayfinding signs in general are installed high enough for people to see the height of the sign frame itself is definitely a deterrent.  Mounting surface and mounting method are other areas which can help mitigate vandalism.  Due to the projecting nature of flag signs it’s more likely for them to be physically loosened from their mounting surface but either sign is equally likely to be damaged with the malicious intent.

Ease of Installation – Since corner signs can be installed with double-sided tape or velcro in addition to wall anchors and screws the nod for ease of installation would go to them.  That said, both flag and corner frames can be installed in minutes using wall anchors and screws.

We hope this was helpful.  Please comment on our blog or share it with friends or colleagues who may be in need of this type of information.

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Using Flag Signs as Restroom Signs

flag signs

Restroom signs are just one of the many applications that projecting, or flag signs are used.  Flag signs are a perfect fit for hospitals, office buildings, universities, churches and numerous other locations.  The projecting nature of these bathroom signs makes identification easy in corridors or hallways especially when time is of the essence.  Because they come in a variety of sizes, you can tailor your bathroom signs to the surrounding area.  This particular sign is a vertically curved flag sign similar to the WBSB9 frame yet there are flat restroom signs such as the FSF1U as well as horizontal curved frames depending on your preference.

Paper inserts are typically used for ease of maintenance and cost effectiveness however, the entire line of curved and flat flag signs accommodate acrylic, PVC, vinyl and numerous other materials.  This flexibility allows you to blend or contrast your bathroom signs with your existing sign program.

Color choices include brushed silver, bronze or gold with metal or plastic end cap accessories.  They serve both interior and exterior applications and mount to any flat surface.  The brackets for the flag signs come pre-drilled to simplify installation.  They are typically mounted with wall anchors and screws and can be done with common hand tools.  Because of their modularity, flag signs can be used for other wayfinding applications allowing you to maintain consistency of your sign program throughout your building or campus. It’s a simple, cost-effective and pragmatic signing solution for all restroom and wayfinding needs.

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Horizontal Curved Flag Signs

The Vista line of horizontal curved flag signs, or blade signs, are designed to assist in way finding.  Flag sign applications range from restroom identification to information booths and a variety of others.

Mounting your flag sign is easy using the pre-drilled brackets.  The screws and wall anchors to mount your flag signs can be purchased at your local hardware store depending on you wall surface.

The following is a quick video with more information on horizontal curved flag sign frames.

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Flat Flag Signs

Vista System has added flat flag signs to round out their GreenSquare product line.  The flat flag sign line is made from anodized aluminum similar to their curved products.

Flat flag sign frames can be finished with either black or grey plastic end caps and support interior and exterior applications.  For more information on flat flag signs, lenses and inserts, check out the following video.

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Way-Finding Signs and Letter Size Paper

Way-Finding SignsModular way-finding signs give you the ability to take control of your sign program and maintain consistency across your office or campus environment.  This post is specifically about hallway signs, also referred to as corridor signs or flag signs, where you can print your own inserts.

With respect to taking control of your sign program, paper insert signs are something you can do cost effectively and quickly without having to call a local sign company.  These corridor signs or hallway signs, whichever you prefer, can be printed in spot color or full color from your desktop printer.  Two examples of these way-finding signs are FSF11U and FSF12U where you can take your printer output and trim a few inches off the top and you now have high quality paper insert signs.  You then put the paper insert signs into the frame and add the clear cover.

One thing about hallway signs is that they are not very volatile with respect to content.  If you use hallway signs to denote a department section of the building it will not likely change.  If however you use them as way-finding signs you may experience more volatility especially on college or university campuses.

Corridor signs can support other materials in addition to paper insert signs.  They can take vinyl, PVC and a number of other substrates.  Whether you mount these corridor signs on the wall or ceiling they are one of the most versatile type of way-finding signs.


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Flag Signs – Top 5 Uses

Flag Signs GreenSquareFlag signs, also referred to as projecting sign frames, can be used as outdoor and indoor signs.  They can be found in restaurants, libraries, hospitals, campus/office buildings, airports, gyms, train stations and a myriad of other locations. You can see them in a flat sign (see photo) or curved sign configuration.  Although they have many purposes the top five that are most prevalent are as follows:

  • Bathrooms
  • Public Areas
  • Meeting Points
  • Security Information
  • Lounge Indicator

Probably the most common use of flag signs is to indicate public restrooms.  Most of the venues listed above use these type of indoor signs, although especially common in airports and train stations.

Projecting sign frames are used to denote public areas or meeting points.  Indoor signs such as departments within an office building (i.e. Information Technology, Human Resources, etc.) to college campuses (i.e. Biology Department, Nursing, etc.) are just a few examples of how flag signs are used.  You may also see projecting sign frames denoting Administration, Surgery  or Outpatient Services areas of a hospital or Jury Assembly within the Hall of Justice.

Indoor signs such as these may also indicate security or informational items to assist people.  This could be anything from police/security, emergency phone, fire extinguisher, emergency exit and other similar uses.

Finally, flag signs are becoming increasingly popular in airports as lounge indicators in addition to terminal and gate indicators.  Whether you go with a flat sign or curved sign configuration, flag signs are a highly visible and extremely efficient way to provide information and assist in managing pedestrian traffic.

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Letter Size Signs for Your Office

Vista System proviWFP84Udes a wide array of letter size signs for your office.  Creating office signs is fast, easy and economical so I put together a list of Vista frames that accommodate an 8.5″ X 11″ piece of paper without any additional cutting and pasting.  Just print it out, insert it and you’re ready to go.

First up in the office signs category is wall signs.  If you’re looking for horizontal curvature there’s the WFP163U, WFP160U, WFP86U and WFP84U (as seen in the photo).  If you prefer wall signs with vertical curvature there’s the WFL50U and WFL79U.  For easy identification, all office signs listed with “(Letter)” on the thumbnail image will hold letter size signs.  Note that the WFP86U has a 2″ ADA header in addition to letter size sign footprint.

If you’re looking for table signs there’s the T54U in vertical and T46U and T48U in horizontal curvature.

The Vista System flag signs have two options.  There’s the WBD10U in horizontal curvature and the WBD22U in vertical.

Some clients have done some very simple and cool things with their letter size signs.  One client took several of their WFP84U wall signs and made directory signs out of them.  They simply print bold lines to delineate the copy so when their directory signs change they print out the entire sheet and pop it into the frame.  (They’ve done the same will legal size frames too where they needed the extra space for copy).

Another client outfitted their office signs with specialty parchment paper from an office supplies superstore.  It cost a few extra cents, but letter size signs printed on this specialty paper look spectacular.  The options are limitless – hope this makes signing your office easier!