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Directory Signs with a Zero-Dollar Budget

If you’re looking to get directory signs with a zero-dollar budget it’s time to consider Vista System.  Here’s a quick video using our vertical curved directory signage to illustrate the point.

All to often people purchase office signs, directory signs included, without thinking about what happens when changes are needed later on.  Tenants leave, tenants come, names change and so on, all which warrant changes to your office signs.  Replacing individual name plates for your directory signs can not only get expensive but can also take some time.  That responsive sign company that initially installed all the office signs in your suite is not so responsive when you need just one or two additional name plates added. The good news, as illustrated in the video, is that you can design and print paper name plates for your directory signs in minutes AND you don’t have to budget for it.  If you have MS-Word or similar desktop software, a printer and some paper you can truly have designer-quality paper name plates without any delay and with no additional cost (excluding the paper and ink of course).

If you wanted to spend a little money to upgrade your office signs consider buying some specialty paper at your local card shop or office supplies store.  Parchment, marbled or even gloss or semi-gloss paper will make a huge difference in your paper name plates when displayed in the sign frame.  The cost is nothing compared to what you’d have to pay for acrylic, PVC or even vinyl material for those same frames.

What is illustrated in this video regarding paper inserts for these vertical curved directory signs holds true for the entire line of Vista System products.  Our How-To section is a great resource with step-by-step instructions on how to print paper inserts for your Vista frames.  Please comment on this blog or visit our channel for more information on the various office signs available.

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Vista Directory Signs – Why we love them (and you should too)!

directory signsVista directory signs are highly functional sign frames used to control traffic paths within a building or facility. When used as directional signs you spend less time giving instructions and become more productive by letting the signs do the navigation for you. Directory signage is the optimum way to allow clients, customers or patients to successfully find their destination. The real beauty of Vista directory signs however, lies in the following:

•  They appeal to everyone
•  Their design is classy yet understated
•  They are simple to maintain
•  They are durable
•  They are universal

Whether it’s the curved directory signs, as shown in the illustration, or the flat directory signage, Vista sign frames complement any interior design given their aesthetic appeal.  Vista directory signs can be used indoors or outdoors due to their anodized aluminum finish and come in three elegant colors; brushed silver, black and gold.

The panels are easy to remove making directory signage maintenance fast and simple.  Use paper, acrylic, vinyl, PVC or any number of materials to compare or contrast your existing color schemes.  If you have custom specifications for your directory or directional signs, the Vista System is the perfect solution as all frames are built to order!  Get custom directory signs for a fraction of what you’d pay elsewhere.

Vista sign frames are universal so whether you have one building, a campus environment or distributed locations you can maintain a uniform sign program for your directory signs with ease.

We strongly believe in the Vista System and so do our clients.  We’re happy to send you a free sign frame sample just for the asking.  Vista sign frames are the preferred choice of sign professional world wide.  Take the Vista challenge!