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4 Things Learned in Kindergarten That’ll Help with Your Office Signs

office signsSo how can kindergarten help you with your office signs?  My daughter happens to be in kindergarten so I can say first-hand what I’m now – re-learning.

First, less is better!  A cluttered drawing is less desirable than an uncluttered one and the same holds true for office signs.  When in doubt with how to lay out the copy for your office sign go with the KISS principle (like the attached sign image).

Second, make it readable.  Use sans serif fonts for your office sign inserts so people can see them without having to squint.  The room signs in my child’s classroom are simple and bold which doesn’t get lost on adults especially as we get older.

Add color!  The more colorful room signs stand out from the others and the same holds true when it comes to your office signs.  Whereas coloring a room sign involves bright colored crayons in kindergarten, adding color to your office sign may include a photo background, an employee photo image or simply a colored background.

Last but not least – have FUN!  I look around and can’t find one room sign that doesn’t make me smile and so it should be when it comes to creating your office signs.  The simple desktop tools and technology make it easy to do and the creativity that goes along with it makes it fun and exciting.

If you’re interested in seeing for yourself we offer free sign frame samples just for the asking.We always welcome comments on our posts so please share them with us.

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Office Signs that Float?

Need office signs with a little dimension? These office signs are crafted with small brackets attached to the back of the sign frames which make them stand off or “float” approximately one-quarter inch from the wall.

Common applications include room signs, door signs, directional and wayfinding in universities, office buildings, churches and numerous other locations.  The entire suite of  flat sign frames is made from anodized aluminum and comes in three classic finishes. For more information we invite you to check out our video.

These particular office signs are mainly used for indoor use but support a variety of outdoor applications.  Because this is a modular sign system custom sizes, other than those listed in the catalog, are available.  The flat system supports ADA and numerous other office sign materials including paper, acrylic, PVC and vinyl.

Maintenance is fast and simple.  Replacing your office sign inserts is easily accomplished with the use of a Vista key or suction cup.  In the event the insert material is not flexible, simply disconnect one of the special cover extrusions mechanically fastened to the frame.

If you would like more information on these specific sign frames or if you simply have questions we’d be glad to assist.  We also welcome your comments so please let us know what we can do to make your signage work more effectively.

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Custom Office Sign Creations

Office Sign AccessoriesAs if the inherent flexibility wasn’t enough, it is now possible to customize your office sign or room sign with additional accessories.  The line of MCFT curved office signs now support these add-on accessories to accommodate the ever-growing demands of today’s project specifications.

For example, you may have a horizontal curved office sign frame like the 4×4 WFP3U that you would like to customize by adding a decoratively cut aluminum insert.  The insert protrudes out from the office sign frame to create the unique design.  There are variations in the office sign accessories yet the illustration provides an idea of what you can do with these accessories.

You may also have a vertically curved room sign such as the 3×6 WFL10U that you customize by adding a decorative back plaque to the room sign frame giving it that unique design.  The plaque attached to the back of the room sign can be made from a variety of materials thereby creating a variety of eye catching designs.

The MCFT (Modular Curved Frame Technology) applied to an office sign or room sign offers the advantages of a modern modular system and the ability provide a customized solution at the same time.

Office signs are a great way to upgrade any office setting.  Office signs are also a way to improve corporate morale with inserts you can personalize and print yourself.  You need not be a desktop publishing expert to create high quality office signs like the pros.  It’s fast, simple and economical!